LCCM services
market on 7thWe believe that every household should have regular access to healthy, nutritious food. That is why our Market on 7th gives guests the opportunity to shop for healthy groceries once every 14 days.
How to get help |
Free noon mealA hot lunch is served from 12-1 pm at LCCM and is available to anyone. Weekend meals may be held off site and other community meals are held throughout Lebanon County.
See the weekly schedule |
fresh start emergency shelterFRESH Start provides families and individuals experiencing homelessness the resources needed to empower personal sustainability while providing a safe place to sleep.
How to get help |
senior boxesLebanon County Christian Ministries partners with the Central PA Food Bank to support the distribution of the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (senior boxes) to Lebanon County residents.
Apply for senior boxes |
community support servicesQualifying households may be eligible for assistance with heating oil, electric, or water and/or sewer bills. Special programs are available for UGI customers.
Get UGI help Get help for other utilities |
upLIFTTogether with a coach, we will help you gain the confidence to create a personalized, strengths-based plan of action while also addressing the obstacles that stand in the way of the flourishing life you envision.
How to apply to upLIFT |