For Christians, Lent is a time of repentance, self-examination, fasting and preparation for the coming of Easter. Lent can also be a time of choosing to focus beyond ourselves and sharing our treasures, time and story with others. We invite you to share your hope and faith in Jesus by sharing your testimony by participating in LCCM's community project called 'Rescue Story.'
Click here to share yours, and then check out Bill's story below. I was raised as a child and baptized at Ebenezer EUB Church. I stopped attending when I was about 11 years old, (my sister and I used to walk from my grandparent's house). I continued reading my bible, provided by my Sunday School, one column per night. I struggled internally with low self-esteem and shyness as a youth and young man. Nobody knew it; everything seemed great on the outside. I met my wife Kathy when I was 18. I had trouble accepting that someone could love me as much as her. I am certain that God put her in my life as part of his plan. I started attending Trinity Lutheran when I became engaged to Kathy. My dad died suddenly when I was 20 years old, which was shortly after our engagement and 7 months before our planned wedding. My family and I had no pastor to turn to, so I called Kathy’s pastor, Rev. Wilson Hoyer, who accompanied me throughout the overnight hours as I painfully notified my grandparents, uncle, and close family friends about my dad’s sudden, unexpected passing. Pastor Hoyer continued supporting my family in the time following. After attending church regularly for about three years and being witnessed to by friends at work, and mentored by church members, I started understanding the meaning of God’s grace. I hit my knees and consciously gave my heart to the Lord when I was 23, married, with one child. My faith continued to grow from there, and opportunities to serve became more visible and important to me. The Lord took my greatest fears and weaknesses, and had me use them for his purposes: in the church, in my career, and throughout all of my life. He always amazes me. At the later stages of my career, as I spent the better part of 10 years working and living out of town, I realized how much I missed serving at my church and serving this community. This tugging at my heart I believe was God’s way of moving me forward on my faith journey. This was one of the major motivators in my decision to retire early. God had blessed me with certain skills and knowledge, and provided the resources for me to move forward and serve His people according to His plan. Favorite Verses: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6 But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; it’s leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8 Prayer Lord forgive us when we get consumed by the things of this world that fight for our love, and our passion. As our eyes are open wide and on you, grant us the privilege of your world view; and may your kingdom be, what wakes us up and lays us down. Artists TobyMac, Matthew West
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